An Introduction into the History of Simultaneous Interpreting in the USSR


  • Kseniya Tokareva University of Malaga (Malaga, Spain)



simultaneous interpreting, history of simultaneous interpreting in the USSR, military interpreters, military soviet school for interpreters


The main aim of this article is to make an introduction into the history of simultaneous interpreting in the Soviet Union, emphasizing the end of 1950s and the beginning of 1960s, when this mode of interpreting gained its importance along with the expansion of authority and prestige of the Soviet Union.


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Author Biography

Kseniya Tokareva, University of Malaga (Malaga, Spain)

PhD student


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How to Cite

Tokareva, K. (2017). An Introduction into the History of Simultaneous Interpreting in the USSR. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 13, 213–226.



Theory and Practice of Translation