Heterogeneity of “Russian (русский / российский)” Lexical Meanings


  • Liliya R. Komalova Institute of scientific information for social sciences of Russian academy of sciences (INION RAS)
  • Sergey S. Sergeev Autonomous non-profit organization for studies, assessment and practice of interpersonal, corporate and human relations “Guarantor of Relations” (ANPO “Guarantor of Relations”)




semantics, linguistic consciousness, association, mass media, psycholinguistics, corpus linguistics


The paper presents a psycholinguistic study on words-stimulus “Russian (русский)” / “Russian (российский)”. Definitions given in dictionaries are compared with actual meanings in contexts of mass media “Russian Newspaper”. Verbal reactions to words-stimulus given in “Russian Associative Dictionary” are grouped according the contexts they are functioning in.


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Author Biographies

Liliya R. Komalova, Institute of scientific information for social sciences of Russian academy of sciences (INION RAS)

Doctor of science (philology), senior research fellow at INION RAS

Sergey S. Sergeev, Autonomous non-profit organization for studies, assessment and practice of interpersonal, corporate and human relations “Guarantor of Relations” (ANPO “Guarantor of Relations”)

Head of R&D department at ANPO “Guarantor of Relations”


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How to Cite

Komalova, L. R., & Sergeev, S. S. (2018). Heterogeneity of “Russian (русский / российский)” Lexical Meanings. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 14, 67–79. https://doi.org/10.30827/cre.v14i0.6338


