Genre and Stylistic Identity of the “Ballad of a Wonderful Moment” by P.G.Antokolsky


  • Tatyana Cherkes Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Grodno, Belarus)



genre, ballad, P. Antokolsky, «Ballad of a Wonderful Moment»


The article is devoted to the study of genre and stylistic features of the "Ballad of a Wonderful Moment" by P.G.Antokolsky (1896 - 1978) in connection with the problem of ballad genre evolution in the new age (Zyryanov 2003:5). The relevance of this problem is based on the fact that the ways of transformation of the ballad genre in the twentieth century have not been adequately studied until now (Zhigachyova 1994; Borovskaya 2009; Tyupa 2013:134).

The analysis of the framework components (title, epigraph of the work) allows to draw a conclusion about the mythical essence of the story of "Ballad of a wonderful moment", to trace some intertextual links with the genre tradition and to define the artistic nature of the work. The consideration of subjective and spatio-temporal organization of the text contributes to the genre identification, revealing the interaction of the genre traditions with the evolutionary changes emerging in the Russian ballad of the ХХ-th century.
The author proves that the work of  P. Antokolsky, which the poet himself nominates as the ballad, can be attributed to the ballad poems – the works of a noncanonical genre form, that arose as a result of artistic needs of the new literary epoch.


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Author Biography

Tatyana Cherkes, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Grodno, Belarus)

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How to Cite

Cherkes, T. (2017). Genre and Stylistic Identity of the “Ballad of a Wonderful Moment” by P.G.Antokolsky. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 13, 195–209.


