Logical incongruity as a humour resource and its translation based on I. Ilf and Petrov’s stories


  • Vera Grechukhina Universidad de Granada




humour, logical incongruity, pragmatics, perlocutionary effect, translation


The article discusses the concept of logical incongruity as means of creating humorous effect in the Soviet narrative and aims at exploring the specifics of its translation from Russian into Spanish from a pragmalinguistic perspective. It is argued that the translator’s decisions are conditioned by cultural and historical context, text genre, author’s implicit intention and reader’s expectations. The findings of this study reveal a range of applied translation strategies and evaluate its effectiveness in achieving equal author’s ironic attitude and perlocutionary effect in target text


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Author Biography

Vera Grechukhina, Universidad de Granada

Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación, doctoranda


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How to Cite

Grechukhina, V. (2016). Logical incongruity as a humour resource and its translation based on I. Ilf and Petrov’s stories. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 12, 113–131. https://doi.org/10.30827/cre.v12i0.5332



Theory and Practice of Translation