The role of the formulas cliché in the development of the comunicativj-reflective subcompetences of students


  • Raushan Sebepova
  • A. T. Ongarbaeva



clichéd formula, meta communicative, category assessment subkompetentsiya, diktalnye cliché, cliché causative-modal, modal-estimated clichéd formula, the national body


Linguistic  justification of  use  of  cliched  formulas  of  an  assessment  for  formation  of  reflexive and estimated subcompetence on classes in a practical course of Russian on a development stage in higher education institution of the program of a bachelor degree is presented in article. Still work in this direction has incidental character and doesn’t give a complete idea of a role of cliched formulas in formation of the professional speech of future expert, namely - the teacher of the language and literature or the economist-financier.

In article the assessment is studied from positions of cognitive approach. The main objective of work consists  in  describing,  what  cognitive  mechanisms  are  the  cornerstone  of  formation  of  different  types  of estimates of speech actions of the person and as these estimates find the expression in cliched formulas. The particular interest causes the cases of a combination described by authors of estimates, different in a sign, in one statement when some bases of an assessment undertake. Relying on experience of studying of an assessment in traditional linguistic researches, authors suggest to differentiate a value and objective judgment, the general estimates (good/bad) and private which are subdivided further according to N.D.Arutyunova’s classification. Authors suggest to distinguish estimates of cognitive approach on the basis of the basic and subordinate level of a categorization. The chosen subject and the direction of research are actual both from the points of view of practical applicability of results, and from the point of view of development of the concept of modern cognitive linguistics in the present time.


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How to Cite

Sebepova, R., & Ongarbaeva, A. T. (2015). The role of the formulas cliché in the development of the comunicativj-reflective subcompetences of students. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 11, 61–68.


