Myth as an Object of Authorial Game Strategies in a Satirical Work




myth, satire, comic, motive, game, author's conception


The objects of the article are "Montachka's Mirror" by Mikhail Kuraev, "The Gardens of Mr. Michurin" by Andrey Kurkov and "The Puddle" by Viktor Shenderovich. Each of the works is about something related to the history of the Russian state. The purpose of the article is to determine how the authors' appeal to mythopoetic structures contributed to their expression of their own conception. In M. Kuraev's novel, this is an anthropogenic myth, in A. Kurkov's novel – a myth about the demiurge, in V. Shenderovich's story – a cosmogonic myth. All these works are satirical, that is, they present events from the point of view of their inconsistency with the norm. At the same time, "The Gardens of Mr. Michurin" and "The Puddle" also contain comic elements. In this regard, the mythopoetic in them is subjected to destruction. Thus, myth, having an authoritarian character, and comic, playful by nature, meet. The research methodology – the method of mythopoetic reading of the text and the typological method are applied.
Keywords: myth, satire, comic, motive, game strategy, author's conception.


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How to Cite

Musii, V. B. (2023). Myth as an Object of Authorial Game Strategies in a Satirical Work. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 19, 259–271.


