Destiny of the Russian Literary Tradition of the Poetic Interpretation of Biblical Psalms in the 20th Century
poetic interpretations of the psalms, Bible and literatureAbstract
From the appearance of Russian literature in the 17th century to the present day, in Russian culture the tradition of interpretation of biblical psalms exists for more than 350 years. Using the psalms, the poets competed in versification, presented their philosophical and social ideas, current for their time. We can find the interpretations of the psalms in the texts of the most outstanding Russian poets, such as M. Lomonosov, G. Derzhavin, W. Küchelbecker, K. Balmont, V. Briúsov. Our research is dedicated to the study of this tradition in the period of the 20th century. In the article, for the first time, the texts of the poetic interpretations of the psalms of that period are gathered and analyzed. The historical-comparative and hermeneutical analysis of the texts allowed a detailed description of the interpretations. In the conclusion, it is shown that the 20th century is distinguished by the difference in techniques of adaptation of the biblical text in poetic works. All the previous tendencies of interpretation are repeated: from the literal translation that copies the vocabulary, syntactic constructions and the semantics of the psalms, or the reproduction of the Masonic poetry tradition of the 18th century, to the experiments of G. Sapgir. This study is substantial in describing the tradition of transcriptions of psalms, which has received little attention in literary studies.
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