From Earthly Love to Heavenly Love (by E. Vodolazkin’s Novel “Laurus”)


  • Snezhana V. Krylova Moscow State Regional University (Moscow Region, Russia)



spiritual mechanism, transfiguration, moral tuning fork, spiral semantic amplifications


The article analyzes the love line of the famous novel by E. Vodolazkin “Laurus”. “Laurus” is not only a novel about the phenomenon of Christian holiness, it is also a heartfelt story about the miracle of love, which has passed the test of death, time, loss, and temptations. From the earthly feeling implicated in eros, the hero comes to the highest degree of love — spiritual, heavenly love. At the level of text and plot, this is reflected through spiral semantic amplifications that expand the perception of repetitive images, actions, and circumstances. The path of Laurus to holiness from beginning to end is subordinated to one goal — the salvation of the souls of his beloved and their unborn son. Life, lived as atonement, transforms the hero, and his love for the deceased Ustina does good, conquers separation and death, leads Laurus to heavenly abodes. At the end of the article, conclusions are drawn about the uniqueness of the moral vector set by Vodolazkin in modern Russian literature.


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How to Cite

Krylova, S. V. (2022). From Earthly Love to Heavenly Love (by E. Vodolazkin’s Novel “Laurus”). Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 18, 87–96.


