Current Problems of Phraseological Translation: Phraseodidactics for Translators in Training
phraseological equivalence, figurative sense, communicative situation, phraseological units, traductologyAbstract
Phraseology in the field of teaching represents an area that has not been studied so far as far as translation and interpretation studies are concerned. Despite the existence of materials and articles on the didactics of phraseological units during foreign language learning, these researches seem not to take into account the basic needs of the translator and interpreter, that is, they are researches that address the subject of translation from a purely linguistic point of view, leaving aside the cultural approach or pragmatic element, which is undoubtedly essential, while making it difficult to find translations of phraseological units (Penadés, 1998). In this sense, a new didactic and translational approach must be developed and applied that allows addressing issues related to the identification of phraseologisms, taking into account the context or communicative situation, which includes the compression of the literal meaning that is given by default and its idiomatic interpretation in a concrete context, as well as the own search of phraseological correspondences (Timofeev, 2013).
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