Headers of Media Texts as a Tool for Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language at the Coordinates of Media Education
Russian as a foreign language, media text, media education, media, linguoculturology, headingAbstract
The article considers the specifics of headers of media texts as tools for teaching future journalists Russian as a foreign language from the perspective of media education. In the course of studying the headers of informational media texts, the meaning of heading linguocultural connotations, as well as the features of their communicative and pragmatic functions in terms of the formation of information content and its recognition by the mass audience, is clarified. The paper presents for the first time the results of the analysis of the linguistic and cultural potential of the headings of printed media texts of the modern Russian press as an actual methodological material for international journalism education. A comparative classification of headings with a linguocultural component developed by the author is also given, and an assessment is given of the role, place and significance of linguoculturally determined headings of media texts from the point of view of their use in teaching meaning formation and understanding. The hypothesis is confirmed that in a situation of expanding the sphere of public influence of the media, which results in general mediation, teaching Russian as a foreign language also falls into the area of interest of media education, and linguistic-cultural vocabulary becomes an important component of socio-political vocabulary when teaching foreign students how to perceive and create journalistic texts and work with the media.Downloads
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