Estética de una imagen visual en la obra de A. Pushkin: hacia el problema de la relación entre la literatura y la pintura


  • Ksenia A. Potashova Universidad Regional Estatal de Moscú



visual image, interaction of art forms, A. Pushkin, K. Brullov, Raphael, Rembrandt


The appeal of verbal art to painting elements, display in literature of graphic works can be defined as characteristic of creative process of the beginning of the XIX century. The analysis of means and methods of painting in their literary refraction reveals that the correlation between verbal and visual sides in an image is significant for A. Pushkin’s poetics. Disconnecting the text to the world of an imitative art, the poet expands the influence of a verbal image, created by him, to reader’s feelings and mind, considers his impressions of plastic arts. The development of the poet’s art skills and the forms of presence of imitative arts in Pushkin’s creativity kept changing at different stages. All these modifications are associated with the evolution of the poet’s world views, with expansion of his interests in the field of comprehension of the historical process and a personality’s role in the history. The picturesque beginning noted in article, characteristic for works of the poet, allows to reveal borders between the word and image art, to define verbal and visual Pushkin’s relation in poetics. Correlation of the art’s esthetics with Pushkin’s poetics of creativity allows to newly comprehend the formation of the poet’s skill and to reveal the peculiarities of his literary images.


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Author Biography

Ksenia A. Potashova, Universidad Regional Estatal de Moscú



How to Cite

Potashova, K. A. (2013). Estética de una imagen visual en la obra de A. Pushkin: hacia el problema de la relación entre la literatura y la pintura. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 9, 91–99.


