Multiword Term Units of Information and Communication Technologies: Comparative Analysis in the Spanish and the Russian Languages


  • Elena Vl. Kuzmina Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow



ICT terminology, terminological unit, collocation, borrowing


The article presents the first experience of comparative analysis of multi-component units in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) in Spanish and Russian. The structure of syntagmatic connections of multilexical terminological combinations and collocations of the ICT term system in Russian and Spanish is analyzed. We have identified the most productive models of formation of terminological combinations and collocations in the Spanish language and compared them with their Russian equivalents: S+Adj/Part, S+Prep +S (75%) in Spanish; S+Adj, S+S Gen (74%) in Russian. Actual formation of ICT terminological systems in both languages is influenced by the English language, however, the distribution of borrowings in each terminological system is unique due to linguistic preferences of native speakers and linguistic norm.


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Author Biography

Elena Vl. Kuzmina, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow

Catedra de Lengua Española de la Facultad de Lenguas extranjeras y estudios regionales


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How to Cite

Kuzmina, E. V. (2020). Multiword Term Units of Information and Communication Technologies: Comparative Analysis in the Spanish and the Russian Languages. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 16, 131–144.


