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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect file format.
  • Where available the URLs, URNs or DOIs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; the front size is 12 points; used italics instead of underlining (excluding URLs); and all illustrations, figures and tables within the text are in their proper place and not the end of everything.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • The instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been read and followed (i.e. especially providing an anomymized draft of the mansucript).
  • All authors of this paper certify our compliance and commitment to the Declaration of authorship, originality and publication rights, the contents of which we know.

Author Guidelines

DEADLINE (to submit an article) is 30 April.

The following sections contain useful information and instructions for authors.

Structure and length of submissions


They are the result of the original research, which results and conclusions represent an advance for the discipline.

The article can be from 27 000 to 35 000 characters and must comply with the following structure:

  • Introduction: the research topic is introduced (What?), specifying its justification and scope from the point of view of its importance for troubleshooting or its contribution to the advancement of knowledge (Why?) and the aims and objectives of the work are fixed clearly (What for?). Also discussed, concisely state the issue. That way we will find answers to the following questions: What has been said before? What has been investigated in this field? How is it done? What results have been achieved? Is drafted in a way that it clears the doubt about the novelty and originality of the subject, the background theoretically locates and fixes the problem.
  • Methodology: It aims to answer the question how we developed the investigation. It involves a detailed description of the materials, criteria and procedures that have been used in the investigation. The purpose of this operation is to report on the research process undertaken, so it can be repeated by another researcher.
  • Results: The contents of this section answer the question: What have we found? It is important to identify and describe findings concisely and intelligibly. Therefore, when it is possible, tables, graphs or diagrams will be used to show the results of "a look through".
  • Discussion: Is the section where the analysis and interpretation of the results is required. By grouping, sorting, classification and comparison of data can clarify the findings, verify or refute hypothesis, deduce consequences, solve problems, suggest new ways. In short, this section will answer the following questions: What does it mean what we have found? How does it relate to what others has already found? How is it inserted into what is already known? What applications it has? What does it give? What demands will arise in the future?


They are the result of research conducted on a particular topic, which gather, analyze and discuss information already published. Its purpose is to discuss new perspectives that emerge from the current state of the subject and the gaps that still remain to be clarified.

In such items must be taken into consideration all the published works that have advanced the subject.

It  must be organized as follows:

  • Introduction: What were the reasons to perform the study to achieve the purposes and  its realization.
  • Sources and Methodology: In this section the sources reviewed and the reasons why they have been chosen are specified. Also in this section shall be informed about the methods and criteria adopted for the study.
  • Critical development: In this section are presented in detail the main aspects (arguments, themes, currents, etc.) that have been studied in current literature. It should be structured in logical subsections and end with a argued summery of the results that have been reached.
  • Conclusions: The consequences of the review are presented here, and new hypotheses arise or lines of future research may be specified.
  • References: The documents used for the study.

Style guide for the preparation of manuscripts


  • Keep MS-WORD parameters used by default (font, line spacing and margins.
  • Do not leave blank lines, except for headings and subheadings.
  • Do not use bold except for the title, headings and subheadings.
  • Do not use underscores.
  • Do not use tab (except for the beginning of paragraph, intented or any other command to organize text.
  • Use italic text and notes only for titles of books, words and phrases written in another language and appointments.
  • Number the headings and subheadings with Arabic numerals starting with the number 1.
  • Use only uppercase blocks in the article title.
  • Choose the option footnotes page.
  • Attach pictures, graphs, tables and maps on a separate sheet with sufficient print quality for playback.


The authors should title their articles with a summary in English and in Spanish/Russian (between 150 and 200 words each), and assign to their articles up to 6 key words in Spanish/Russian and English.


Should follow these models: "... as demonstrated Shakhmatov (1957)"; "... as demonstrated Shakhmatov (1957: 259-263)"; "... as has been demonstrated (Shakhmatov 1993: 259-263 ) "; " ... as has been demonstrated (Jakubovskij 1953; Shakhmatov 1957; Žukovskaja et al. 1982; Serdjukov 2001a, 2001b) "; " ... as has been demonstrated (Jakubóvskij 1953: 34; Shakhmatov 1957: 259 -. 263; Žukovskaja et al. 1982. 260-263; Serdjukov 2001a: 69-73, 2001b: 95-99)."


At the end of each article there must be a full list of the cited references, provided in the original language without using transliteration. They will be ordered alphabetically and headed with the title: Bibliography or ЛИТЕРАТУРА. Should follow these models:


NAME (S), first name initials and your case the patronymic (year): Title, Publisher, Edition place.

Example: ШАХМАТОВ, А. А. (1957): Историческая морфология русского языка. Государственное Учебно-педагогическое Издательство Министерства Просвещения РСФСР. Москва.

For articles:

NAME (S), first name initials, if applicable, the patronymic (year), "Title", Journal, Volume/ Issue, Pages.

Example: ХИМИЧ, Г. (2005): "Поэтические переложения библейских псалмов в русской литературе ", Cuadernos de Rusística Española, 3, pp. 31-45.

For book chapters:

NAME (S), first name initials and in your case the patronymic (year), "Title" in Book Title, Publisher. Edition place.

Example: ОСИРОВ, Б. И. (1982): "Заметки об орфографии писцов Кирилло-Белозерского монастыря в XV . " In История русского языка, Наука, Москва.

In case of any references written in Latin alphabet and Cyrillic alphabet, first put in the Latin alphabet and then in Cyrillic.

Submission directions and how to present the manuscripts

Preferably, manuscripts will be submitted using the OJS (Open Journal System) on-line system. Texts are submitted by clicking on the “Register” link, where authors can enrol as users, and then following the instructions found there. If you have any questions during the process, contact

Manuscripts sent by e-mail will only be accepted when, for reasons beyond the author’s control, it is not possible to submit the text using OJS. In this case, manuscripts will be sent to the e-mail address:

The following file formats are accepted for manuscripts:

  • DOC when using the Microsoft Word processor.
  • RTF when using another word processor.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.