El comentario traductológico como uno de los medios de exposición del potencial valorativo de los recursos lingüísticos (basado en las traducciones al ruso de las novelas de W. Scott «The heart of Mid-lothian» y «The old mortality»)
https://doi.org/10.30827/cre.v8i0.78Palabras clave:
evaluation, translator’s comment, intercultural communication, source language, target language, translation from English into RussianResumen
The article is devoted to the problem, which is insufficiently explored both in linguistics and theory of translation: the potential of translator’s comment as a way of explication of evaluative meaning due to peculiarities of literary translation from English into Russian and intercultural communication. If there is no analogue of the certain evaluative means in target language, translator’s comment can become the only means carrying out this function.
A number of the most typical cases when translator’s comment is the only possible way to express the author’s evaluation are considered here. Firstly, it is the use of grammatical peculiarities of the source language which are not represented in target language; secondly, it is the use of such stylistic devices as pun etc.; as a third case we can pay attention to reminiscences in literary texts. It is also necessary to use the comment if translator deals with the intensification of evaluation expressed by disclosure of an underlying form of a word, especially in case of archaic elements in its structure. Some famous novels by W. Scott in comparison with their Russian variants were used as a material for this research.