Peculiarities of the Contemporary Family: Relationships Model in Russia and in the World
DOI: clave:
family, marriage, relations, social group, personality, societyResumen
Modern society is currently undergoing the stage of transition. Such a change has an impact on all social institutions, including the family and family-marital relations. People are becoming increasingly liberated and independent. This affects marital relations, which are currently being built according to new paradigms associated with greater responsibility for oneself and less for the partner. All these are new phenomena of our social reality, requiring a new understanding and development of new social practice. To validly disclose the features of the modern model of family relations, we will build our considerations in line with evolutionary, functional, empirical and interactionist approaches, based on the assertion that the family is, first of all, a small social group, where each partner has their own, often opposing, interests, and which at the same time acts as an integral social system.Descargas
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