Dialéctica de la libertad y de la alegría en la “Leyenda sobre el Gran Inquisidor” (“Los Hermanos Karamazov” de Dostoevski y “Don Carlos” de Schiller)


  • Serguei A. Kibalnik Instituto de Literatura Rusa (Puškinskij Dom) de la Academia de Ciencias de Rusia, San Petersburgo



Palabras clave:

freedom, happiness, dialectics, metatextual, intertextuality, Dostoesvkiy, Schiller, Grand Inquisitor, Spanish


The meaning of “The Legend…” is based on its metatextual nature. “The Legend” refers first of all to F.Schiller’s drama “Don Karlos” (1787), in which the main character, a Spanish King Philipp II, as Dmitry Chizhevsky put it, as well as Dostoesvky’s The Grand Inquisitor “thought that he knew people and their being incapable to be free”. One can find in this drama a Grand Inquisitor as well. By means of a detailed comparison of the two works the article deals with the issue of a certain transformation of Shiller’s dialectics of freedom and happiness by Dostoevsky.


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Biografía del autor/a

Serguei A. Kibalnik, Instituto de Literatura Rusa (Puškinskij Dom) de la Academia de Ciencias de Rusia, San Petersburgo



Cómo citar

Kibalnik, S. A. (2013). Dialéctica de la libertad y de la alegría en la “Leyenda sobre el Gran Inquisidor” (“Los Hermanos Karamazov” de Dostoevski y “Don Carlos” de Schiller). Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 9, 45–57. https://doi.org/10.30827/cre.v9i0.1381


