The influence in Malaga of emigrant families from other Spanish regions (1564-1700)
Malaga, 16th-17th centuries, Historical demography, Family reconstruction, Aggregative analysis, Internal migratory movementsAbstract
This work allows to advance in the knowledge of the demographic history of Malaga by investigating the structure and also the evolution of the population that inhabited it. The influence of the arrival of emigrants from the rest of the Spanish regions in the foundation of new family nuclei during the period between 1564 and 1700 is also analyzed. This research is carried out under the methodology of historical demography, through the traditional aggregative analysis, with presentation of results, separated for men and women, in tables, profiles and sectoral diagrams. As a main novelty, the method of reconstruction of families is applied to immigrants. The main features of the family structures that they created are shown, through cards that include their marital bonds, baptisms of their children and deaths, in order to obtain the final results.
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