The “Imperativo Nobiliario” in Peru at the end of Ancient Regime: the hidalguia proof
proof of hidalguía, Real Chancillería, origin, social climbing, Peru, House of BourbonAbstract
The difficult morphology of the noble estate in america has, to a certain point, meant that the study of the noble mentality is limited to the titled nobility. this article highlights the importance of the untitled nobility or hidalguía in america at the end of the ancien régime. For this purpose the core idea of this study is based on the evidence of hidalguía of the real chancillería of valladolid regarding the americans and peninsular dwellers in perú. the analysis of this judicial source reveals the presence of a “noble imperative,” that is, the necessity to legalize and check the social aspirations through the recognition of the hidalguía. the reasons to apply for the recognition of the hidalguía and the use of these titles to benefit their social status allow us to understand the importance of these requests of the ancien régime.
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