Disentailment Godoy in Guadix Bishopric
Disentailment, Guadix, Church, GodoyAbstract
The sale of church lands in Guadix Bishopric started by a Royal Decree on September 19th (1798) and it was defined by two important facts: a considerable reluctancy of the religious groups of power in the area and the purchase at auctions of the best fields disentailed from pious works and other foundations by the church itself. This practice allowed the church to recover and to include such real state in its heritage, as well as to display the economic power and wealth of this social rank. The tensest moment of this process took place on the second part of the disentailment wich began after the Royal Decree dated October 15th (1805) due to the permanent confrontation between the Royal Commissioner in charge of the sale of church lands and the Cathedral Chapter, as evidence of the struggle between the eclesiastic and civil powers. The most inmediate consequences were the difficulties involved on the disentailment process, so the fiscal aims and the foretold collection were not reached.
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