Livestock: an important but forgotten matter. The example of the North of the Kingdom
Cattle raising, Kingdom of Granada, Transhumance, Pasture areas, XVIth Century, OligarchyAbstract
This article intends to attract attention to the livestock industry, one of the most important industries for the economy in the eastern area of the Kingdom of Granada, on the second half of the XVIth Century. The aim of the councils, as their main target after the Christian conquest, is to safeguard the cattle raising oligarchy’s interests, and furthermore improving income for the council’s coffins in order to the better use of pasture areas. Sheep, goats, and cattle are the most important as for the number of heads, moving to pastures. Herds come, before las Alpuj arras war, basically from the north of the Granada province, becoming later a longer-distance transhumance.Downloads
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