The gypsys in the reign de Felipe II (1556-1598).The failure of a integration
Gypsies, Ethnics Minorities, Galleys Pain, Almadén Mines, Penal Justice, Granada Kingdom RepopulationAbstract
The gypsys arrived at the reign of Felipe II after a process in which the form of life is criminalized and a negative stereotype is created. Repression and utilitarianism in the sentences of the gypsys men run parallel during this period, and to the pain of galleys for the men, restored already by Carlos V, he now united of whip and exile for the women. Nevertheless, the ethnic conflict breaks out again even more when restriction of movements is considered in 1586. Since this moment is commited to them to take population and obtain license to be able to move from their address to the fairs and other places. These measures prompt a greater neighborhood, but in some cases fails when the local authorities denied them, or when it obtained then it breaks, especially with occasion of the raid of 1572/1573. The gypsy, before the fear to fall under the judicial gear will find in some cases adaptive mechanisms that they allow him to subsist in an excluding society.Downloads
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