The establishment of local worships in a comparative perspective. The cult of the Christ of Cabra in Andalucia and the cult of the Christ of Renca in the Diocese of Cordoba of Tucuman, XVII to XIX centuries
Local devotions, Christ of Cabra, Christ of Renca, Comparative PerspectiveAbstract
The article is enshrined in the studies about religion practices and regional identities. It deals with the emergence of two local worships, the first one in Granada Kingdom and the other one in the Diocese of Cordoba of Tucuman in the Viceroyalty of Peru, among the XVIIth and XIXth centuries. On the one hand, it is about the Christ of Cabra or Cabrilla which developed in the eastern part of Andalucia alongside with the consolidation of the cattle tracks. And on the other hand, it deals with the advocation of the Christ of Renca in Cuyo in the Diocese of Cordoba that emerged in a commercial rout. The comparative perspective is useful to find similarities between these processes that looked alike inside the Catholic Monarchy. These devotions were framed in spaces that were recently “conquered” or “reconquered” and where the political and ecclesiastical weft was consolidating at the same moment that these worships arose.
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