Art and Patronage in Cuzco: The Church of San Blas at the End Of the 17th Century


  • Iván Panduro Sáez Universidad de Granada



Patronage, arts, religion, 17th century, Peru


The article presents an analysis of the artistic environment developed in the city of Cuzco during the bishopric of Manuel Mollinedo y Angulo (1673-1699). This period represents a key era in the history of American art in which the unique patronage of Mollinedo gave rise to the artistic proliferation in the city. This article focuses, in particular, on the ornamental work on the furniture founded in the parish of San Blas, Cuzco, during the last three decades of the 17th century. As a reference were used the descriptions by parish priest Gaspar de la Cuba y Maldonado and the bishop Mollinedo in which they listed the commissions of the paintings and altarpieces of the local artists.


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How to Cite

Panduro Sáez, I. (2024). Art and Patronage in Cuzco: The Church of San Blas at the End Of the 17th Century. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 55.


