Approach to the foundation and expulsion of the Jesuits from the house-residence of San Francisco Javier in Loja (Granada). The inventory of paintings of 1767




Movable property, School of San Francisco Javier, Company of Jesus, Inventories, Loja (Granade), Painting, 1767, 18th century


After the expulsion of la Compañía de Jesús in 1767, Carlos III and his council planned a system of inventories of all types of immovable and movable property, urban and rural. In general, inventories provide great information for researchers and show the importance of each school. As for the paintings, they became the property of the crown, some were sold, others transferred to the university, the archiepiscopal palace, or a local parish or convent and, to a lesser extent, those of recognized and valued painters, began to swell the funds from the royal academies and museums. Its importance lies in the fact that they bring us closer to the iconographic program that was deployed in its church and the rest of the school. With this article we intend to provide new information on the origin and foundation of the house-residence of San Francisco Javier in the city of Loja (Granada), as well as the set of paintings that it conserved at the time of the expulsion.


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How to Cite

Martín Pradas, A. (2022). Approach to the foundation and expulsion of the Jesuits from the house-residence of San Francisco Javier in Loja (Granada). The inventory of paintings of 1767. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 53, 83–98.


