Did Suárez influence in Andres Bello’s thought?


  • Milagros Otero Parga Universidad de Santiago de Compostela




Francisco Suárez, Andrés Bello, Philosophy of Law, Humanism, Americanism


Suarez is one of the most distinguished Spanish jurists. The depth and originality of his thought has inspired many later authors to the present day so that, it is possible to say that there exists a well-known and active Suaretian school. This fact, which enhances our legal tradition, must be preserved and enhanced. The article that we presented now, wants to go a little further. He wants to seek the indirect influence of Suarez on those authors who, without mentioning it, expressly follow the channels of his thought, applying them to areas of knowledge that are not strictly legal. This is the case of Andrés Bello, an American character of great importance. Political, diplomatic and jurist of classical humanist formation, he organized the life of human beings in society seeking justice and peace. I think Suarez’s influence on characters of this type, should be considered, known and valued, because they expand their teaching in an unsuspected way.


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How to Cite

Otero Parga, M. (2017). Did Suárez influence in Andres Bello’s thought?. Anales De La Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 51, 79–100. https://doi.org/10.30827/acfs.v51i0.6248



Francisco Suárez en la vida de su tiempo y en la del nuestro