Neuroscience, Neurolaw, Debate, Socratic MethodAbstract
This work focuses on the growing interplay between neuroscience and law by outlining issues of criminal responsibility and within the broader framework of epistemological interactions among different fields of knowledge. It illustrates the opportunity to have a peculiar “debate” or dialogue among the considered branches of science and in the single domain of neurolaw. Then, this paper presents the Socratic method as a specific dialectical approach to rationally guide these epistemological connections, to favour the critical comparison of heterogeneous perspectives, and thus to spotlight fertile common spaces where new interdisciplinary knowledge is reachable. Finally, the article considers significant stances in the neurolaw debate to show that, in so far as they are grounded on dialectics and refutation, they can be seen as strong manifestations of a Socratic dialogue. Hence, leveraging this practice, even into the legal systems there is room for neuroscientific evidence and contributions, although this entails a dash of “neuromodesty”, critical thinking, and a plea for the Socratic method.
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