The catch-all

Textual acts and graphic art in FLUXUS




Fluxus, literature, graphic design, experimental art, artist book, sixties, sixties art, art and word


FLUXUS can be understood as an experiment composed of objects,
acts, and all kinds of elements that form part of a toolbox as chaotic as
it is fascinating in itself. FLUXUS understands the artistic as an act, whether
textual, musical, objectual, theatrical, or a hybrid, rather than as a work. For
this reason, it is possible to approach the group almost entirely through its
theoretical, literary, and graphic productions, which are also linked to other practices carried out in the group’s context, such as music or performance. This article addresses, on one hand, an approach to the theoretical and literary productions of the group and, on the other hand, related to the latter, its graphic production through visual compositions and objects. The study
provides a focused view on these two fields and delves into their significance in relation to subsequent artistic productions, whose influence is, of course, undeniable.


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Author Biographies

Gonzalo J. Tejero, Granada University

Artist and researcher fellow in Granada University

Lucia Maestre Acevedo, Universidad de Granada

Graphic Designer


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LIPPARD, L. (2004): Seis años. La

desmaterialización del objeto artístico: de 1966 a 1972. Madrid: Akal.

PEREC, G. (1974): Especies de espacios. Madrid: Montesinos.

SARTRE, J.P. (1948) ¿Qué es la literatura? Buenos Aires: Losada.



How to Cite

Tejero, G. J., & Maestre Acevedo, L. (2024). The catch-all: Textual acts and graphic art in FLUXUS. Papeles De Cultura Contemporánea Hum736, (26), 118–133.