Mnemosyne. Science  Art:

Transdisciplinary essay in the library of the Zaidin Experimental Station (Granada)




Science communication, Science divulgation, scientific exhibitions, scientific-specialist libraries, transdisciplinary Science


A creative exhibition was organized into the library of the Experimental Station of Zaidín (EEZ), Granada, specialist in scientific information in Agricultural Sciences and related subject, and belonging to the Network of Libraries and Archives of the Spanish Council Research (CSIC). Images of Science, whose authorship fell on the researchers of the center, were associated with original works that reinterpreted them. Starting from the library collection, the experiment was carried out on the illustrations of the covers of well-known international scientific journals. A group of 15 artists was invited to develop their works recreating the content of the covers. The result was 30 pieces that linked scientific illustration with creative objects of a different nature. They are exhibited in couplets so that the viewer combines each research figure with its respective plastic composition: MNEMOSYNE: SCIENCE CIENCIA  ART. The show has continuity because it is open to the incorporation of new contributions.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Malo, F., González Iglesias, F., & Ruiz Torres, C. (2023). Mnemosyne. Science  Art: : Transdisciplinary essay in the library of the Zaidin Experimental Station (Granada). Papeles De Cultura Contemporánea Hum736, (25), 299–319.