From the table to architecture

Metaphors of the body through objects


  • Paloma de la Cruz Universidad del País Vasco



sculpture, identity, architecture, embodiment, erotic, body


I understand sculpture as a means and an end at the same time, to take it to a field of representation of the modes of identity radicalizing the modes of operation. Starting from a position regarding the politics of the female body that moves between a much sought after enunciative ambiguity and an extreme productive assumption of my own physical entity as a woman, I immerse the viewer in an inverted world of material signs, which makes architecture of the processes of objectification of my own feminine condition. Metaphors of identity such as the house, or lingerie, as architectural skin, serve me, thus, to deploy a series of discursive strategies that, through tiling of floor, wall and objects of intimate hygiene (bidets); Molds of the interior of my own vagina and glazed enamel coatings produce a subtle short circuit of meanings, given by the confrontation between a rhetoric of visual beauty and the reference to heterodox sculptural and installation production processes. With this, I establish a curious and strange politics of visuality that is nothing but a sophisticated politics of femininity in our current world, articulating my proposal as an interpretative challenge that subjugates by a pregnant capacity, while by an ambivalent deconstruction of the tactics of erotic production of the female subject.


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How to Cite

de la Cruz, P. (2023). From the table to architecture: Metaphors of the body through objects. Papeles De Cultura Contemporánea Hum736, (25), 135–151.