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It is a source of great academic and personal satisfaction for me to introduce and coordinate, together with the journal’s editorial staff, this Issue 48 (1), a monographic Higher Education issue of Publicaciones, the official journal of the Melilla Campus’s Department of Education and Humanities (University of Granada).

The distribution scheme of the 12 articles making up this issue observes a tripartite structure, featuring some of the most pressing issues currently being addressed in higher education: Teaching/learning competences in higher education; Psychological keys and contexts amongst higher education students; and International experiences in higher education (see Figure 1). From a broad perspective, the three segments indicated comprise an overview of the different aspects and dimensions of analysis, both theoretical and empirical, relevant to understanding the changing and complex phenomenon of higher education today, contextualizing its scenario through complementary views of education, pedagogy, psychology and other social sciences associated with the psychopedagogical field, both in the Spanish higher education area and abroad, in the European, Latin American and Asian contexts.

Issue 48 (1) includes for the first time in Publicaciones the use of Mandarin Chinese in one of its articles (with its translation into Spanish), which, considering that this language is the world’s most spoken today, and that China represents a massive platform for the consumption and diffusion of scientific contents, affords added value towards the dissemination and citations that the issues plans to bring about in the near future.

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How to Cite
González-Sanmamed, M. (2018). Editorial Note vol. 48 (1). 2018. PUBLICACIONES, 48(1), 9–19.