The original manuscripts received at Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work will follow the following phases of the editorial process:

Acknowledgment of receipt :

Upon completing the submission process, the authors will receive an email notifying them of receipt of their paper.

From that moment on, they will be able to track the status of their manuscript through the journal's digital platform, after identifying themselves using "username" and "password."


Internal preliminary evaluation :

The Management Team will have a period of 10 days to make a first assessment regarding the unpublished nature of the paper (non-duplicated or redundant publication), adjustment of the content to the thematic lines of the journal, anonymity, length and structure.

The Management Team may directly reject the papers received, without resorting to an external consultation process, if it considers them inappropriate for the journal due to lack of adaptation to its thematic lines, for lacking a sufficient level of quality, or for showing evidence of scientific fraud (plagiarism).

In the event of a positive preliminary assessment, the section editor responsible for monitoring and controlling the manuscript in the subsequent phases of the editorial process will be designated.

The section editor, within 5 days, will complete the preliminary review regarding compliance with the formal rules of writing and style. If necessary, they will contact the author to request the pertinent modifications before starting the "peer review process."


External evaluation. “Double-blind” peer review:

Once the internal preliminary evaluation is completed, the section editor will select two suitable people to evaluate the article in question, taking into account their academic and scientific merits.

Each reviewer will have a maximum of 10 days to accept or reject the requested review. The section editor may send a reminder to the designated person. After another 10 days from sending the (optional) reminder without receiving a response from the invited reviewer, silence will be considered "rejection of the invitation." In case of non-acceptance by a reviewer, a new request will be processed to another person as soon as possible, in order not to delay the editorial process.

The reviewers, based on the available Guide for external evaluation of scientific articles, will issue their report and recommendations within 4 weeks of the review request, using the "Review Form" provided by the journal.

Optionally, the reviewers may attach their own document with the annotations or comments they consider appropriate, always maintaining compliance with the mandatory anonymity.

In the event of a strong discrepancy between the recommendations of both reviewers, a third opinion may be requested.


Editorial decision and communication to the author :

Once the external evaluations have been received, the Editorial and Editing Committee will have 10 days to make the appropriate editorial decision and will inform the author.

If, based on the recommendations of the reviewers, the editorial decision is to submit the document to a 2nd round of peer review, this would be carried out by the same people who made the first evaluation, unless declined by one or both reviewers, and other reviewers must then be appointed.

The editorial decision will always be explained and, in any case, (whether acceptance of the manuscript for publication, proposal for modifications, or rejection) the external evaluations will be provided to the author.

Papers rejected by editorial decision will be archived in the journal's historical record (see Privacy Statement ).


Receipt of the author's version :

The author will have 21 days to resend the corrected version, according to recommendations indicated in the evaluation. Author corrections will be supervised by the section editor, who will check their suitability to the recommendations suggested by the reviewers. Based on this supervision, the Editorial and Editing Committee will make the appropriate editorial decision and will communicate it to the author within a maximum period of 10 days from receipt.

Papers that cannot complete the process due to the author's lack of response to the suggested corrections will be archived in the journal's historical record.


Editing and publishing phase

The paper accepted for publication will go to the editing phase for proofreading, galley composition, layout and publication.

Since the journal Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work adopts the continuous publication system, each article will be published at the end of its production process, appearing as published on that day and month, within the volume of the current year.



Communication during the editorial process, both with authors and reviewers, will always be done through the digital platform (using the tools offered by the Open Journal System-3), in order to maintain a record of events and generated messages that allow the monitoring of the entire editorial process by the people involved.