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  • Jesús Hernández-Aristu Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Oihana Hernández-Van-Waes Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Vol. 6 No. 11 (2016), Epistemes, pages 54-77
Submitted: May 7, 2016 Accepted: Dec 20, 2016 Published: Dec 22, 2016
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Reflexive pedagogy goes hand in hand with reflexive society, a society that fears itself. The financial crisis, climate change and other disasters are the result of human actions.  Having become independent of human will, they now threaten the basis of existence of mankind. Emancipation, which was the object of the pedagogy for young people and adults in the past, gives way to the individualised society, in which everybody is responsible for themselves and their identity. Helping people to take responsibility of their destiny is the challenge of schools nowadays. Tutoring sessions, student guidance systems and individual coaching are the best tools to carry out this task.


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Hernández-Aristu, J., & Hernández-Van-Waes, O. (2016). The tutoring in the educational system and the development of professional social skills (educational coaching). Contributions of Social Pedagogy and Social Work. Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work, 6(11), 54–77.