TRABAJO SOCIAL GLOBAL – GLOBAL SOCIAL WORK has a long trajectory in the field of interdisciplinary studies related to social welfare. From the start, the editors understood that, as well as meeting the usual quality criteria, contributions published by the journal must also adhere to strict ethical standards, including a basic tenet of social work: respecting people, equality, and opposing any form of discrimination and oppression. TRABAJO SOCIAL GLOBAL – GLOBAL SOCIAL WORK is part of this tradition, and feels that it should also apply to the editorial field.



In this regard, one of the journal’s aims has been to disseminate works which stimulated the development and growth of social welfare-related disciplines among the scientific and professional communities. As such, TRABAJO SOCIAL GLOBAL – GLOBAL SOCIAL WORK is committed to equality and diversity in relation to all the disciplinary, methodological and philosophical approaches which are generally regarded as valid in the field.



The decision as to whether to publish a manuscript rests with the editors, with the assistance of the reviewers (double-blind peer review). The reviewing process will operate with the utmost objectivity, diligence and transparency. Our CODE OF ETHICS FOR ARTICLE PUBLICATION ensures that the interaction between authors, reviewers and editors will adhere to the accepted ethical guidelines.


However, TRABAJO SOCIAL GLOBAL – GLOBAL SOCIAL WORK has decided to create a further ethical guarantee, by creating the figure of the Ethical Auditor of Publications. The Auditor will be an independent figure which will determine ethical criteria, advise the editors and arbitrate difficult cases. TRABAJO SOCIAL GLOBAL – GLOBAL SOCIAL WORK thereby expresses their full commitment to the principles of honesty and integrity that are the foundation of all intellectual pursuit.