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  • Darío R. Varela Fernández
Vol. 33 (2018), Dossier, pages 395-418
Submitted: Jun 21, 2018 Accepted: Jun 21, 2018 Published: Jun 21, 2018


At the time of the french hispanism establishment (end of 19th century, beginning of 20th century), two branches with different conceptions on the issues and the way of spreading their works exist in France, but the question of translation prove to be crucial for everyone. Lots of Spanish-French translations were made during this era, like Marcel Bataillon who translated En torno al Cas- ticismo of Miguel de Unamuno. These translations allow us to see the complexity of the process, and the importance of translation as a tool of sharing knowledge between two frontier countries (it is the case of our study). But translation can also be studied as a filter or adaptation where subjectivity has its place when compared to the original version.

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