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Vol. 31 (2024), Artículos, pages 4-18
Submitted: Apr 26, 2024 Published: Apr 26, 2024
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Introduction: this paper discusses different conceptualisations of mathematical model in educational research, with the aim of providing a definition which applies to empirical studies.

Method: it was a review of different theoretical approaches to the notion of model in the literature, as well as of various tools for the characterisation of school models. The most relevant shared elements were compiled and synthesised to provide a definition of a model and an analysis strategy consistent with it.

Results: the concept provided for a mathematical model is organised by means of three separate domains that must be interpreted together: the system that is modelled, the mathematisation proposed by the model and the representations that are used to express them. The associated analysis strategy is based on the identification of different elements in the system and in the mathematisation from the statements expressed in the representations within a written production.

Conclusions: the provided definition and analysis tool ensure coherence between theory and practice in educational research, as well as synthesising and simplifying elements from other approaches.


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How to Cite

Montejo-Gámez, J. (2024). Mathematical model in educational research. Definition and implications for the analysis of school models. Revista De Educación De La Universidad De Granada, 31, 4–18.