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  • Patricia Pérez-Tyteca
  • Enrique Castro
  • Encarnación Castro
  • Isidoro Segovia
  • Francisco Fernández
  • Francisco Cano
Vol. 21 No. 1 (2008), Research Lines, pages 115-131
Submitted: Nov 5, 2020 Published: May 7, 2008
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Affective answers play an essential role in the process of teaching-learning mathematics. Within this field, the more studied construct in the last three decades is the attitude towards mathematics. This construct have been frequently related to gender differences between the students population as well as the students´ election of mathematics courses and university degrees depending on the level of mathematics that they present. For this reason, we have analyzed, using an adaptation of the Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitude Scales (1976), the attitudes towards mathematics of the students who enter the University of Granada, in a global way and classifying the subjects by gender and by the fields of knowledge of their degrees.


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Pérez-Tyteca, P., Castro, E., Castro, E., Segovia, I., Fernández, F., & Cano, F. (2008). Attitudes towards Mathematics of the students who enter University of Granada. Revista De Educación De La Universidad De Granada, 21(1), 115–131.