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  • María del Valle De Moya Martínez
  • Juan Rafael Hernández Bravo
  • José Antonio Hernández Bravo
Vol. 22 No. 1 (2009), Interuniversitaries Collaborations, pages 85-101
Submitted: Nov 5, 2020 Published: May 10, 2009
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The current article presents a study on the musical aptitudes of students, focusing
on those pupils in Primary Education who show learning disabilities in Music Education, even though they are positively evaluated in other areas within the curriculum. The main aim of this research is to know the musical aptitudes of these students and to analyse up to what extent these aptitudes differ from qualities such as age and gender of the students considered here. By means of the latter, we seek to offer effective educational responses to the learning needs set in the music classroom, according to the so-examined musical aptitudes of students.

This study presented a non-experimental, quantitative approach, using descriptive statistical tests and co-relational studies in order to discover the existing relationship among gender, age and musical aptitudes.

With reference to the participants that took part in this investigation, we took a sample of 52 students of Primary Education, from first grade up to sixth grade, from a Spanish state school in the city of Caudete (Albacete).

The results showed favourable musical aptitudes regarding aural perception, but not in movement and rhythm. However, we did not get relevant data for the parts of singing and instruments. In addition to this, differences between age and gender were significant, as they were more noticeable among students in first and second cycles of Primary Education and among girls.


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How to Cite

De Moya Martínez, M. del V., Hernández Bravo, J. R., & Hernández Bravo, J. A. (2009). Music Education, musical aptitudes, learning disabilities, attention to diversity, educational needs. Revista De Educación De La Universidad De Granada, 22(1), 85–101. Retrieved from