Didactic proposal with Jclic application for the development of reading comprehension in Primary Education
Main Article Content
Vol. 24 (2017), Artículos, pages 293-305
Submitted: Nov 5, 2020
Published: Dec 10, 2017
The introduction of ICT in the educational system is clearly evident because of the many advantages for professors and students. Our main objective is to improve the development of reading comprehension in students of Primary Education through the use of technologies, specifically with the Jclic application; a tool that will allow the teacher to design activities designed for this purpose that, in addition, is easy to access and manage, therefore it can also serve for the teacher who wants to start using the technologies in the classroom. With our proposal we also aim to highlight and emphasize the importance of ICT in the teaching and learning process.
ICT, JClic, reading comprehension, Primary Education
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How to Cite
Santamarina Sancho, M., & Fuentes Gámiz, L. (2017). Didactic proposal with Jclic application for the development of reading comprehension in Primary Education. Revista De Educación De La Universidad De Granada, 24, 293–305. https://doi.org/10.30827/reugra.v24i0.16625