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  • Laura Martín Martínez Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Vol. 25 (2018), Artículos, pages 131-148
Submitted: Nov 5, 2020 Published: Nov 7, 2018
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This article is part of a doctoral thesis that investigates the improvement of students with Special Educational Needs through the intervention of innovative ways from the arts. This article focuses on the case of a minor with Autism Spectrum Disorder who has difficulties in postural control, in spontaneous language, low self-esteem, little body awareness and difficulties in social relations. The study designs and applies an invention of Shadow Theater that acts in the cognitive area, motor, language and communication area and emotion area to intervene in a comprehensive manner to the minor. In order to know if there is improvement in the communicative intention, in the proprioceptive area, linguistic and emotional well-being of the child after the intervention of Shadow Theater, a prospective experimental study of this unique case is designed and applied. The analysis of the data it allows us to conclude, through the collection of data, that there is the possibility of obtaining improvements in the communicative intention of the minor after the intervention of Shadow Theather, encouraging us to continue investigating in this line of alternative interventions.


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How to Cite

Martín Martínez, L. (2018). Intervention of Shadow Theater in a case with Special Educational Needs for Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Revista De Educación De La Universidad De Granada, 25, 131–148.