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  • Palma Peña Jiménez Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Flávia Gomes-Franco e Silva Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Vol. 26 (2019), Artículos, pages 283-297
Submitted: Nov 5, 2020 Published: Dec 28, 2019
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We present in this study the need to include among the selection criteria of readings, adequate texts that respect cultural and personal differences, being contrary to violence and away from sexist stereotypes. The educators of the compulsory stage must bear in mind, when working in the classroom, the importance of selecting reading texts that meet the requirements of respect, dignity, and equal rights and opportunities for all.

For this, we propose an approach to the requirements of these texts based, on the one hand, on theories that contemplate the performative power of words, based on speech acts and awareness of the effects that messages can produce according to the intentionality of the issuer by choosing certain terms instead of others. The complexity of the communicative process is recognized, emphasizing the fact that language, a tool often used in the transmission of values, is not innocuous. On the other hand, a revision of the current legislation on equality and education in values is carried out.


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How to Cite

Peña Jiménez, P., & Gomes-Franco e Silva, F. (2019). Reading for Equality: an Approach to Text Requirements. Revista De Educación De La Universidad De Granada, 26, 283–297.