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  • L. F. Girón Blanc Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Vol. 40 (1991), Articles, pages 33-54
Submitted: Jan 28, 2020
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Besides the known distribution in exegetical midrashim and homiletical midrashim, wich rests on a criterion od pure formal structure, this paper pretends to analize the midrashic materials themselves wether as exegetical ones, having their Sitz im Leben in the bet-midrash, other as homiletical ones, having it in the bet-kneset. From this point of view we analize two of the four Proems which precede the standard text of Song of Songs Rabbah. There is also a brief list of the derash patterns in this Midrash.


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Girón Blanc, L. F. Exégesis y homilética en cantar de los cantares Rabba. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Hebreo, 40, 33–54.