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  • Gaëlle Collin École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris)
  • Michael Studemund-Halevy Institut de Recherches sur les Juifs en Allemagne (Hambourg)
Vol. 56 (2007), Articles, pages 163-179
Submitted: Jan 24, 2020 Published: Dec 15, 2007
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The present article deals with the Judeo-Spanish books published in Bulgaria. The 78 books and booklets discovered recently in the Library of Yad Vashem (collection Binjamin Arditti) and dating from the 19th and 20th century, deal with popular literature (theatre, novels), historiography, Zionists pamphlets and religious literature. Among the 78 books and booklets there are many interesting items unknown up to now.


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Collin, G., & Studemund-Halevy, M. (2007). A Forgotten Treasure, Second Part. Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish Stock from Yad- Vashem Library. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Hebreo, 56, 163–179.