Tradition and modernity in Marques of Tarifa pilgrimage to Jerusalem: Influence on the cultural heritage of Seville


  • María Encarnación Cambil Henández Profesora Contratado Doctor. Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias SOciales. "Universidad de Granada"



Marqués de Tarifa, Jerusalem, Seville, Renaissance cultural heritage


Tradition and modernity that characterizes the transition from the Middle Ages to the Modern Age in Spain, will be reflected in the pilgrimage trips to the Holy Land. During the sixteenth century, Christians travelers who came on pilgrimage to Jerusalem did their tour with a fundamentally religious and devotional interest. But he was not alone, as he joined other interests as the search of adventure, knowledge and business. During the journey, the pilgrim, full of emotion and spirituality, visiting shrines and relics for indulgences necessary for the good die and attain eternal life. However, during the return trip, and become traveler, carrying out other planned objectives becoming an experience that would later reflected in their environment and heritage. In this paper we analyze the stay of the Marquis of Tarifa in Jerusalem and his return trip to Seville, for his experience during these sections of the trip will be captured forever in the cultural landscape of the city of Seville.


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Author Biography

María Encarnación Cambil Henández, Profesora Contratado Doctor. Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias SOciales. "Universidad de Granada"

Mi docencia en la Universidad de Granada comienza en 2004 como Becariz FPU1, en el Departamento de Historia del Arte. En el 2008 comence mi docencia en el Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, donde he sido profesora sustituta interina a tiempo completo y Ayudante doctor. En la actualidad soy contratado doctor y soy la Directora del Departamento.



How to Cite

Cambil Henández, M. E. (2015). Tradition and modernity in Marques of Tarifa pilgrimage to Jerusalem: Influence on the cultural heritage of Seville. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Hebreo, 64, 39–66.


