The modalities of inspiration in the work of Ibn ‘Arabī: towards a phenomenology of mediation




Ibn ‘Arabī, Modalities of inspiration, Spiritual mediation, Revelation, Sufism


This article on the modalities of inspiration in the work of Ibn ‘Arabī of Murcia consists of an introduction, three sections and a conclusion. The introduction addresses the notion of inspiration in the complex web of Akbarian thought. Then the first section offers a classification of the modalities of inspiration from the perspective of the modes of mediation. The second section puts forward a classification of the modalities of inspiration according to the modes of reception, a classification which, in turn, follows the progression of inspiration from the sensorial to the intelligible. The third section presents a classification of the modalities of inspiration (based on a passage from Ibn ‘Arabī's Dīwān al- kabīr) according to the modes of its revelatory descent. From the viewpoint of the modes of descent, inspiration descends in synthetic mode and in analytical mode in imitation of the descent of the Koran.


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How to Cite

Dahmoun, L. (2022). The modalities of inspiration in the work of Ibn ‘Arabī: towards a phenomenology of mediation. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 71, 51–83.


