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  • Alberto Martín Quirantes Centro de Estudios e Investigación en Arte y Patrimonio de La Zubia (CEI Al-Zawiya)
Vol. 70 (2021), Articles, pages 115-153
Submitted: Apr 26, 2020 Published: Jan 11, 2021
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This paper highlights the importance of conducting detailed territorial analyses using all available sources (both archaeological and written) in efforts to comprehend the changes occurring in a given place. The examples used in the paper come from a specific area: La Zubia, part of the Vega de Granada, a wide expanse of fertile plains in the prov- ince of Granada. The area of La Zubia is characterized by its large aristocratic properties, known as munyas, and to a lesser extent smaller properties and buildings (such as cot- tages), which are called huertas. Survey and demarcation records from the 16th century and the Muslim “Books of Habices” provide most of the information about the residential structures and their names: neighborhood (hāra), houses or mansions (dār) and even parks (ŷanna). The paper warns against the risk of drawing hasty conclusions from rough docu- mentation analysis and limited data. Finally, some suggestions regarding future research are made.


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How to Cite

Martín Quirantes, A. (2021). Understanding the southeastern section of the Vega de Granada through detailed territorial analysis. The Dār-s in the the area known as La Zubia. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 70, 115–153.