El capítulo de la letra ḥāˀ en el Kitāb muŷarrabāt al-jawāṣṣ de Abū-l-ˁAlāˀ Zuhr


  • Luisa Mª. Arvide Cambra


This article contains the transcription, translation and edition of the folios 2lv.º-26r.º ofAbū-l-ˁAlāˀ Zuhr's, Kitāb muŷarrabāt al-jawāṣṣ, according to the 520th manuscript from Bodleian Library in Oxford and encloses the peculiarities and features of the donkey, the bustard, the snake, the lizard, the sparrow hawk, the chameleon, the whale, the colocynth, the chick-pea, the lotus, the iron, the tribuius and the pebble.

The text, as well as the work in the whole, holds a big dose of quackery.


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How to Cite

Arvide Cambra, L. M. El capítulo de la letra ḥāˀ en el Kitāb muŷarrabāt al-jawāṣṣ de Abū-l-ˁAlāˀ Zuhr. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 41, 21–34. Retrieved from https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/meaharabe/article/view/14662


