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  • Fátima Tahtah
Vol. 47 (1998), Articles, pages 383-388
Submitted: Apr 2, 2020
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In spite of all the efforts that Arab women, in general, and Moroccan, in particular, have made to leave the marginal place where they were kept, discrimination continues in many fields including that of the literary creativity. This article debates the concept of "feminine handwriting" from two different stands: The first perceives this concept as an expression of women inferiority, arguing that everythig women write is not inferior to what men write and that creativity is sexless. The second takes this concept and believes that women writing is different to that of men, as women have their own taste and personality, deriving from their physiological structure and personal experiences as women.


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Tahtah, F. (2013). El concepto de escritura femenina. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 47, 383–388. Retrieved from