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  • David Peláez Portales
Vol. 49 (2000), Articles, pages 151-177
Submitted: Apr 2, 2020
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In these pages I have tried to give a complete picture of the evidence period in the muslim medieval procedure, on the basis of information taken from several andalusian sources. The point of view used -above all juridical and processual- has allowed to fix my attention on different aspects of this subject (unobserved or devoided of systematic treatment till now). This jurist vision also presents a new way of considering the developement of evidential procedure. Joined to metholodogycal contributions, the work brings to the consideration of the specialists some conclusions about contents, focused basically around the movility of the evidential period within the procedure, and the procedural meaning of i‘dar, and ta‘ yiz.


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How to Cite

Peláez Portales, D. (2013). El periodo de prueba en el proceso musulmán medieval (al-Andalus, ss. VII-XII). Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 49, 151–177. Retrieved from