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  • Waleed Saleh
Vol. 50 (2001), Articles, pages 301-314
Submitted: Apr 2, 2020
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Analyses some of the essential factors that influence the teaching and learning process of Arabic as a foreign language and offers suggestions for the correct development of this process. These factors concern both the subject and the teacher and pupil, and can be summed up in three: 1. The sociocultural ambience and the characteristics of the subject, object of study, the Arabic language. 2. The existence of some assumptions and prejudices about the Arabic language, reinforced by the absolute ignorance the university student has about the characteristics and reality of the language he is going to study. 3. The linguistic and pedagogical knowledge of the professor, which will affect the final outcome and quality of the whole educational process.


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Saleh, W. (2013). El árabe como lengua extranjera en la enseñanza universitaria. (La lengua árabe: instrumento de comunicación). Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 50, 301–314. Retrieved from