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  • Eva Chaves Hernández
Vol. 55 (2006), Articles, pages 49-70
Submitted: Apr 2, 2020 Published: Jan 27, 2006
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At the beginning of the 5th/12th century the Sulayhi dynasty governed the region of Yemen under the mandate of their last queen, al-Sayyida Arwa bint Ahmad, also known as the Free Queen. She was a vassal of the fatimids imams from Cairo and a precursor of the ismaeli tayyibiyya in Yemen and India. In her testament, a document of great historical and linguistic value, she bequeaths to the al-Tayyib imam her most valuables belongings: a set of hundred jewels described with full details.


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Chaves Hernández, E. (2006). Una relación de joyas reales de Yemen: El testamento de la Reina Libre ṣulayḥí al-Sayyida Arwà bint Aḥmad (440-532/1048-9-1138). Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 55, 49–70. Retrieved from